The Late Antique and Medieval Postgraduate
Society (LAMPS) invites postgraduate research students to present their
research at our weekly Monday seminars.
LAMPS aims to provide an engaging forum for
cross-disciplinary discussions that focuses on the Late Antique and Medieval
periods. Proposals on the study of these time periods as well as topics
pertaining to the reception and perception of the Late Antique and Medieval
periods from later sources are all welcome. Students from all disciplines, and
at any stage of their research are welcome to submit papers. This
opportunity provides postgraduate students not only a chance to hone their
presentation skills, but it also offers valuable peer support.
For the Fall 2015 semester, LAMPS requests
that all submissions explore the theme of Borders and Boundaries. The theme is
designed to be broad in order to explore the ways in which different groups in
society perceived borders and boundaries across the Late Antique & Medieval
period. Possible paper topics include, but are not limited to: the boundaries
between reality and imagination, working within or outside of set boundaries,
transgressing literary tropes, natural divisions, frames, old and new frontiers
of research, national partitions, and social taboos.
Presentations should be around 20 minutes
and are accompanied by 10 to 15 minutes of discussion. If you are interested in
applying please send a 250 word abstract along with your details and a brief
introductory statement about yourself to by the 15th
of August.